

by Jonathan Vold

Monday, July 25

Filling In Blanks: Vespers

Theistic evolution,
that god plus evolution equals now
is your answer, and all that remains
is deciding who God is.  Yes,
and who are you and what is now
and where are we going from here?
I believe — do you want to know what I believe?
Not really, you say.  Clever little
conversation stopper, and yet
you have learned that you can
tell everyone what you believe,
believe it and impose it and
leave it at that, never leading
with a question.

But I believe you are right.
(Now do you want to know?)
Blank plus evolution is, you say,
and we fill in the blank with
Buddha, Christ, Mohammed.
Or godlessness, emptiness, chance.
You get to choose what leads you to now:
the blank is true, and beyond this
we may never know the empirical
but we will rest in our faith.
But I believe — a statement, not a question,
that Genesis is true, setting us free,
that God is the beginning and the end,
the Big Bang and the final Word,
the constant Grace and the now,
Immanuel.  This is what I believe.

And you can call me, as you suggest,
a theistic evolutionist with a neat little formula,
and you can rest in this, but now,
let me show you more of how
that blank can be filled with the poetry
of John and the songs of David,
the trial of Job and the angst of Qoheleth,
the emotions of the prophets.
Read the Gospels and Acts
and the letters to the early churches.
Read Revelation, and argue with it all,
question back if you must, but register
the incompetent hyper-human
history of that corner of the world,
the bumbling children of God,
trying to get to now, trying to understand.

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