Journal Entries from June 1990, continued
Faith: such that I long for, a faith of such power to give me the strength to recognize my weakness, to repulse all illusions of my own credits, to relinquish my whole self —faith to say no more me, just God. Faith, trust, that I could walk within every shadow of darkness, that I could believe that light awaits me, that darkness will be defeated.
God, you lay it all out for us. You give us a one word direction and it ought to be easy. But I... the self gets in the way, and yet you have given us the self, too, God; you leave us all sorts of mysteries and then you give us this mind, that wants so much to know.
Thank you God, for the promises you have given Josh today and for the strength you have given to Don; for the smile you have given to Parul today and for the grace you have given her family. Thank you God for everyone close to me —Annie, Mom, Dan —and thank you too for everyday people, most of whose names I do not know, but thank you God for their patience —your patience —and acceptance of a man with measly faith. I am afraid to be weak, God, and I am afraid of relinquishing myself, even to my maker, but thank you God for your ears and your hand and your presence. Thank you for your strength and your smile and your grace, your light and your direction.
P.S., just one thing more: God bless my studies and my tests this week. I need you.
The thought occurred to me that things will never be the same.
This wasn’t a pessimistic thought, either. Josh has realistic hope of a lasting remission. Don went to work today; he’s feeling much stronger and it makes me consider that with the extent of last week’s pain for him followed by this week’s recovery, the chemo might really be doing what we want it to do.
So I thought: what if Don’s tumor disappeared and Josh’s remission were complete? Things wouldn’t be the same; they would be better for the ways we would —and will! —be stronger: in spirits, in confidence, in faith. There is, of course, a “best case” scenario, to believe that Josh and Don will live forever. And why not? By faith, God promises that they will!
For now, however, I must continue to pray.
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