Journal entries from June 1990, continued
On a Sunday morning, amidst my sins and thoughts and actions, amidst my shame and self-pity... I don’t know. Maybe there’s a bible verse, and maybe it will pop out at me by chance. Let me go to where I do not usually go...
“Yahweh is all I have, I say to myself... (Lamentations 3:24a; New Jerusalem Bible).
...It is good to wait in silence for Yahweh to save... (Lamentations 3:26). sit in solitude and silence when it weighs heavy, to lay one’s head in the dust —maybe there is hope... (Lamentations 3:28-29)
...Yahweh, I called your name from the deep pit. You heard my voice... (Lamentations 3:55-56a).
...You are near when I call to you. You said, ‘Do not be afraid.’” (Lamentations 3:57).
“...Take off your dress of sorrow and distress, put on the beauty of God’s glory, wrap the cloak of God’s saving justice around you.” (Barach 5: 1-2a).
“The whole world will remember and return to Yahweh, all the families of nations bow down before him. For to Yahweh, ruler of the nations, belongs kingly power! All who prosper on earth will bow before him, all who go down to the dust will do reverence before him. And those who are dead, their descendants will serve him, will proclaim his name to the generations still to come; and these will tell of his saving justice to a people yet unborn...” (Psalm 22: 27-31a).
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