

by Jonathan Vold

Sunday, January 31

Song To M

To the tune of Pictures of You, by The Cure

M, you are a name, You are a quiet invitation,
Briefest braille for the blind Start of a simple conversation, Title on the cover page Without any explanation, For now, for the moment Such a pleasant presentation,
And I want to remember you: I want to remember you From the first scene of your story Full of unexpected chapters, Uncharted adventures, Untold ever afters, From the first note of the measure Of music I don’t know But want to hear more of, La canto da capo, You’re a language that’s new to me From the beginning, A song to repeat For its gradual meaning, And somewhere in the melody I just want to learn you And find in you more than A tune that I turn to.

I want to remember you: I want to remember you. From the first word, I want to memorize you, Learn every line of you, Look into your eyes And discover you. M, You are a name so far, But I’ve only started To see who you are And I want to see more, I want to speak you and sing you And know you by heart, You and everything in you. Somewhere in this fantasy We’ll sing our songs together And hope that the harmony Plays on forever, And if you’ll indulge me
I promise you this, I’ll keep every secret And hold every kiss Between us, and even if Things never change And we remain strangers  I’ll always remember your name.
I want to remember you. I want to see that you’re more than name. I want to remember you. I want to know you, 
know that you're more than a name.

Just say the word, and I’ll stay here as long As you can keep on singing And there is a song Between us, and even if Things start to change And we become strangers You’ll always be more than a name.

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